Thursday, January 17, 2008

Avalon by Anya Seton.....Katherine by Anya Seton

I've finally finished it, my travels from England to Iceland and then to the even colder Greenland. I've sailed with Erik the Red and watched in horror as King Edward was assassinated. It truly is an adventure. Like other Anya Seton novels, it follows true history and is painted beautifully with Anya's insight into the ancient people she writes about and the period culture.
But there was something lacking in this novel that is found profusely in her novel Katherine...Rarely did I feel sympathy for Merewyn. I was not close enough to her thoughts, I didn't feel her heartbeat faster nor did I feel her satisfactions. Though the novel is written well and enjoyable, I think it lacked zoom in on the main character. Yet, because of the emotional detachment it is not a book that creates stress for the main heroine. This makes it an easy read. I still give it four stars! Just knowing that Anya Seton traveled all these places herself, dug up the historical facts, and weaved together a well put story gives this novel well-deserved respect. Yet, because I rave so much over Katherine, I'm adding another review to this post.

Just look at this face! I fell in love with the book before I ever opened it up!
This is the first Anya Seton book that fell into my hands. Surprisingly it was written before Avalon. One would think that as time goes on an author would get better...but possibly Anya wrote this when she was younger and therefore more passionate. And "passionate" is exactly what the whole of this novel is based on. It satisfies the romantic early on, which is good for a novel of 500 pages. AND it's full of intimacy through the middle. I can't give away the ending really does justice to the turmoil that you experience with Katherine throughout her lifetime. This book will get a reread...It is the highest honor that I give to a book. It was so worth my time that it will be picked up again and each page adorned with my eyes and painted to life by my heart. Where five is the highest - Six Stars!


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