Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai

Travel to India, a beautiful torn place, and follow the lives of beautiful and torn people. Every novel is an escape but this one...I had to catch myself and remember that I wasn't really there. Kiran has magically penned a story that opens a door to her world. Feeling the hopes and fears of another culture paints a better picture than years of study. Kiran reveals the different pains of her people...sending family to America for betterment, coming back home to war, hating your own culture, loving your own culture, falling in love with someone, coming out of love into hate for someone, living in India but refusing to become India, fighting for an India you may lose but can't live without. I'm not sure if she could have covered anything more. And she painted it all so well that you never feel overwhelmed with the distress of too many characters. This wonderful book should be read by all Americans...Let's remember how not very different we are from each other though we exist on opposite ends of the earth and let us honor those differences we do have.


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