Sunday, November 30, 2008

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

I seem to just flip right through these books. They have a powerful plot, engaging still. But, this being the third book, I'm still disappointed at the character development, and the descriptions. Bella is not a strong character, she's swayed by every little whim of the people around her, in the end she does stick to her original desires but, she has a way of hanging on to the wrong things. She simply can't let go at the right time. For me, this is a huge character flaw and it bothers me. It's not what I want my girls to think is normal, or heroine-like at all. Bella is not a perfect character, but I can think of many imperfect characters that were still strong and made you love them with their many flaws: Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind and Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte's novel. Two completely flawed characters, yet powerful role models for young women. They were dignified and gutsy. I find Bella's inability to let go of Jake when she's ready to take Edward back...slouchy. And it makes things messy. Of course Edward remains the perfect gentleman, and I read lightning fast just to get to the next glimpse of him. But this book of the series falls considerably to a two stars. I hope the next is far better.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

I want my own vampire, I have to admit that. This was an emotionally painful book though, but aren't all second books in a series? I guess I should have expected it. There was so much less of Edward and truly Bella doesn't hold as much interest for me which is mainly the fault of Robert Pattinson (the hotty that plays Edward on screen) but also the fault of her character. As a mother of two daughters I'm not sure Bella is a good role model. Her lacking self-confidence, her avoidance of her deepest feelings, her insincerity with her friends concerns me. It's not what I'm trying to develop in my girls. And still my disappointment at reading the words velvet, stone and marble at least every ten pages through a 500+ page book did put a damper on my hopes for the author. It wasn't enough to stop me though, the plot is intriguing, and at one point I started to just interject my own adjectives to get through it, i.e. rich, silky, tranquil, fluid, glacial, piercing, chilled...because I think these books could've been so much greater if more time and care had been spent in the sentences and paragraphs. Though this still will not be shelved with my all time classic favorites, it is a good book, and it will be shelved. With all of it's flaws it still keeps me peeping out my curtains, hoping to see a beautiful face there that's desperately in love with me.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

I read this book nearly nonstop through 498 pages and finished in a day and a half. I enjoyed every moment of it. Let me tell you first that this is not a great piece of literature. Meyer was repetitive with her description so much that I fear the next books will wane on my nerves and not be nearly as enjoyable, I do hope she comes up with something better than "stone cold skin." The plot was not clever nor brilliant but it did stay edgy and surprising. The characters are enchanting...but, something is lacking there. There just wasn't much character development. I would have enjoyed to delve more into the darkness, sadness and aloofness of Edward before he became so lighthearted with his love for Bella, it would have given me more joy to see the transformation more clearly. The book was written in first person, which is easier to do for a new writer, but this is where we were hindered at really seeing that development in Edward, or any of the other characters...if they changed at all which I'm not sure of. Regardless, I give the book four stars. What woman doesn't love to read about such a fairytale perfect, strong, protective, radiant, intelligent, and self-restrained man. It's simplicity makes it a fast and enjoyable read. It's sexual tension is just sizzling. This book is hot, hot enough to fade away it's imperfections and keep you stalking along with vampires, thirstily lapping up every drop of blood.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Chocolat by Joanne Harris

This is an endearing little book. It is enchanting and edgy at the same time. It's a good story with mystery, sensuous prose, and turns that surprise you. I enjoyed reading it all the way through. There is a sequel out now, The Girl with no Shadow, but...can't say I'm that hooked to follow a sequel. It was great for what it is, a short novel.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I told myself when I started this blog I would blog not just the books I loved but also those I didn't necessarily vibe with.
Honestly, I could not finish this book. I cannot, absolutely cannot read about child sexual abuse in the context it was written here. Beware, it's not even a good read.

The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

Ken Follet is a thriller writer, this is not his usual forte, and he has made the jump to historical fiction with enough gusto to span the great lakes. This book is monumental in my eyes. It touches on the history of England and goes into detail on the architectural history of the 12th century. Really it's not boring though! The characters are appealing, even the malicient ones. The novel spans three generations but in the end you feel appeasement and justice for all of them, even the ones you loved and buried. This clever, intricate novel takes endurance. Nine hundred and seventy-three pages and truly not a moment of boredom for me. I love architecture and history, so even the lengthy details on the cathedral building fascinated me. This goes right up onto my classical case (If I can fit it on there.) Oh, I know it has only recently been written, but there is something about certain books that I can feel is not just another flash-by, overnighter. This book is a legend, no matter how recently it was written, and Ken Follet has made his way into my absolute favs list.