Sunday, November 30, 2008

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

I seem to just flip right through these books. They have a powerful plot, engaging still. But, this being the third book, I'm still disappointed at the character development, and the descriptions. Bella is not a strong character, she's swayed by every little whim of the people around her, in the end she does stick to her original desires but, she has a way of hanging on to the wrong things. She simply can't let go at the right time. For me, this is a huge character flaw and it bothers me. It's not what I want my girls to think is normal, or heroine-like at all. Bella is not a perfect character, but I can think of many imperfect characters that were still strong and made you love them with their many flaws: Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind and Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte's novel. Two completely flawed characters, yet powerful role models for young women. They were dignified and gutsy. I find Bella's inability to let go of Jake when she's ready to take Edward back...slouchy. And it makes things messy. Of course Edward remains the perfect gentleman, and I read lightning fast just to get to the next glimpse of him. But this book of the series falls considerably to a two stars. I hope the next is far better.


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