Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern abridged by William Goldman

I was excited about this book. I've loved the movie since I was a child, love to watch it still with my daughters. But I was dissappointed. Not disappointed enough to close it and put it away. I loved the story enough that I was determined to get through all of William Goldman's excerpts to get back to the story. I think, it must be the format he wrote it in. He just threw in his own paragraphs, stopping the story and explaining about this or about that. I was very interested in what he had to say but I didn't want to necessarily stop the story to read it, sometimes for 5 pages or so. I would have enjoyed reading it at the end of the book. And in the last excerpt I have to agree with Stephen King, Goldman did botch it up. I didn't want to read Goldman's thoughts every few pages, I wanted to read a crisply edited Morgenstern story. I wanted to be enchanted in the tale of true love and high adventure. Not stop every heartbeat to learn about Goldman's battle getting this published. I'm just...disappointed. It makes me want to edit it myself. But Morgenstern is priceless and I did enjoy his story, ever so much more than the movie. My advice is, if you read this book ignore the italicized Goldman, ignore it until the very end. Then go back and read what Goldman had to say once you've enjoyed your adventure. I still give it three stars because in this book is my only access to the original Morgenstern tale. And I'm assuming because of the Morgenstern Estate's dissapointment in William Goldman we will never see Buttercup's Baby, at least not any time soon.

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